ENTRY 18/08/2023

Cool Math Stuff

Read time: 20 minutes


This is just a compilation of different math related links that I find interesting. I keep this for personal reference, but thought it would be nice to share with the world.


Univariate Distribution Relationships Math Lover - Oneshot by RizaNa Mathematical Writing Guide FAST INVERSE SQUARE ROOT Majority of mathematicians hail from just 24 scientific ‘families’ Harvard Mathematical Logic Notes Math 439 Course Notes Lagrangian Mechanics, Dynamics, and Control Isogeny-based Toolbox for Post-quantum Cryptography Group Theory via Rubik’s Cube GameTheory.net PlanetMath THE UNREASONABLE EFFECTIVENESS OF MATHEMATICS IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES Haskell Programming CHRIS GROSSACK/ Programming Linguistics - The Rise of Type Theory Conway Conjecture Settled Programming with Category Theory Probability Theory and Its Philosophy Homotopy Type Theory Applied Category Theory Perelman Turns Down Millennium Prize Patterns in the Cartesian plane under bitwise XOR function Lecture Notes on the Lambda Calculus Lucas' Theorem Maxima - A Computer Algebra System biVector.net - Geometric Algebra TOPOLOGY AND GROUPS The Countable Reals Math Augmentation: How Authors Enhance the Readability of Formulas using Novel Visual Design Practices Brzozowski derivative Homotopy (type) theory Parsing with Derivatives Categorical Logic 1lab - Homotopy Type Theory Glushkov's construction algorithm Mathematical Components An Equational Logical Framework for Type Theories Rice University Mixed Notes Theorem of the Day Proof of Bertrand's postulate Abstract Algebra - Theory and Applications Quanta Magazine Proof Wiki June Huh becomes 1st scholar of Korean descent to win Fields Medal Teaching Myself Calculus at Sixty-Five Azimuth Project - DEAD :( How to prove the language of all binary numbers that are prime is nonregular using pumping lemma? mathlib Github The Natural Number Game - Imperial The Principia Rewrite Equation Bird Type Theories in Category Theory Dana Angluin's List of Proof Techniques Formalizing 100 theorems in Coq Oregon Programming Summer School Archive Darij Grinberg Math Olympiad teaching notes Blog on Mathematics and Statistics Classical Euclidean Geometry and Related Areas Math Jokes Theses Archive Intuitive Arithmetic With Complex Numbers A Visual, Intuitive Guide to Imaginary Numbers What to say instead of "trivially" The proof is trivial! Math is Beautiful! Who is the greatest mathematician of all time REAL NOT COMPLEX - Resources to Study Mathematics Alex Kavvos - Senior Lecturer in Programming Languages VaNTAGe A catalog of matchstick graphs Automated Reasoning I Number theory explained from first principles An interactive guide to Fourier series An Introduction to Dozenal Counting Skripte Notes - German Complex System Courses Matroid intersection in simple words Shannon Information and Kolmogorov Complexity The Rising Sea: Foundations Of Algebraic Geometry Notes Associativity of Quaternions and Octonions The Logical Essentials of Bayesian Reasoning BOOK OF PROOF American Institute of Mathematics - Approved Textbooks OpenLogic - Teaching Materials Permutoassociahedron Computability in Constructive Type Theory Probability that two random numbers are coprime On Church's Thesis in Cubical Assemblies A beginner's guide to forcing COMBINATORIAL SPECIES AND LABELLED STRUCTURES Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem - Explained for the Layman Bertrand Russell is the Pope

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